European University

Law and World

The international refereed and peer-reviewed journal “Law and World” is a stable online and printed platform for the works of legal scholars. It has been published since 2015 and ensures the publication of works of high scientific value worldwide. This is a periodical of the European University Institute of Law. Articles can be published by scholars from any country, who qualify the requirements of the “Law and World”.
Journal DOI: 0.36475/L.A.W.14
E-ISSN: 2587-5043
P-ISSN: 2346-7916

Globalization and Business

“Globalization and Business” is a bilingual scientific publication. The journal has been published since 2016 and is a periodical of the European University Research Institute of Economic and Social Issues of Globalization, which is indexed in internationally ranked scientific databases. The aim of the journal is to create novelty, develop science, as well as to provide access to the latest research in various fields.
Journal DOI: 10.35945/gb
E-ISSN: 2449-2612
P-ISSN: 2449-2396

Journal of Biomedical and Medical Science

The international scientific refereed and peer-reviewed Journal of Biomedical and Medical Science was founded in 2021. The Journal is a publication of the European University. Articles are published by scientists on the area of medicine, dentistry, health care , biochemistry, biophysics and other related directions.The published articles apply to the open access policy. The journal public distribution on web-site of www.bmms.ge as well as the journal is printed version is given to the libraries. All tangible or intangible rights are reserved for the materials published in Journal of Biomedical and Medical Science.
Journal DOI: 10.51231
E-ISSN: 2667-9523


“Archaeology” is a trilingual scientific-research Journal. It has been published since 2018 and represents a periodical of the European University’s Acad. Andria Apakidze Institute of Archaeology and Historical- Archaeological Museum. The aim of the journal is to share and provide access to the latest scientific research in archaeology and related fields.
E-ISSN: 2960-9321
P-ISSN: 2587-5175
